What Your Favourite Ice Cream Flavour Says About Your Personality

As written by an expert 


If you’re all about vanilla ice cream flavour, you’re as predictable as Nollywood plot twists. You are simply content with going for the basic flavour and you never try to step out of your comfort zone. If you choose vanilla, you’re probably the type who revels in life’s little things. Your dream vacation? Staying in and watching paint dry.


I’ve only met two types of people. Those who are obsessed with chocolate, and those who aren’t. So I would say that if you love chocolate ice cream, then you’re one to put your heart into whatever it is you’re doing. 


Strawberry lovers are definitely vanilla lovers disguising because they don’t want to be called basic, because I genuinely believe that nobody’s favourite ice cream flavour is strawberry. If you love strawberry ice cream though, then you’re the type who enjoys classics but wants to maintain a bit of an edge.


Why would anyone want coffee flavoured ice cream? If you want to drink coffee, drink coffee. Which one is coffee flavoured ice cream again? You’re the type of person who likes to keep life interesting. While others sip coffee, you’ve taken it a step further, turning it into a frozen adventure.

Mint chocolate 

Peer pressure is the only explanation as to why someone would like ice cream that tastes like Dabur herbal toothpaste. This means you’re very gullible and would definitely jump off a cliff if your friends are jumping off. 

Cookies and cream 

The GOAT of all ice cream flavours, not because it’s my favourite, but because it’s simply the best. If this is your favourite, then you appreciate the simple pleasures in life and have a timeless charm that makes everyone love you.

So which ice cream flavour are you?

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